Full Circle
23 Days to Book Signing / Launch!
When I first arrived in Denver, I found myself in a situation where I needed to work a second Job. It wasn’t for long, just one of those ‘you do what you have to do’ situations and so I found myself a night job to help make some extra money.
Where did I work? I’m glad you asked.
I worked at Barnes & Noble.
I had completely forgotten about the short time I worked there until my wife reminded me about it tonight. Here I am, many many years later and soon, in 23 days to be exact, I will be launching my book by doing a book signing at Barnes & Noble.
I’ve come full circle.
Funny how life works sometimes.
Or maybe it was just a plan that took several years for me to get my act together enough to make it happen. Remember that leap and the net will appear bit in a previous post?
Sometimes we need to remember what Martin Luther King Jr. said about not needing to see all the steps in the staircase to start climbing. Just take that first step. Things will fall into place and one day you’ll find yourself coming full circle.
What step are you waiting to start on? Go ahead, the rest will come in it’s own time, you don’t need to know how or when.
Just start.
Scroll down to see our published authors with links to their books.
Coming Soon
Kelly Price &
Gavi Michaelson
Michael Grant
Adina Ciment
Jasmine Castigliano &
Hannah Nordman
Ashley Cornelius
Andrea Gelfuso &
Lindy Olson
Dafna Michaelson Jenet
Michael Jenet