No! Not Twitter! You can’t make me…
Nope, I can’t MAKE you do anything, yet as we take this journey together Twitter is one of the most important tools I wish to give you access to using as you build a funnel for collecting the wonderful people out there who will make up your business community. This community will consist of peers, prospects and what others might consider competition and I see as potential collaborators.
As the Superbowl was airing many things were happening in the Twitterverse. For one, the amount of tweets during this Superbowl eclipsed last years numbers. Check it out for yourself. This phenomenon of joint experience while on Twitter during a live event is a way to build your community and find out who is out there thinking like you. Think fast and be prepared and you could have your own Oreo moment.
Here is a peek: Social media during live events
And here you will find out why Oreo had that big moment: Making your own Oreo moment
Ok, fine, maybe you’ll resign yourself to thinking that maybe, just maybe there MIGHT be some value to Twitter… Big deal! Now what do I do? Over the rest of the semester we will be learning the language, the secrets, the techniques and having some fun. But just so you don’t think I’m making all this stuff up here is a peek from the smart folks at Vocus: 7 ways to use Twitter for Marketing
Getting the idea? In the comments please let me know what you hope to get out of Twitter and if you are excited or skeptical about venturing into the land of the blue bird.