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Judging a book by its cover

Contrary to what we are told growing up, everyone judges a book by its cover.
The form below is designed to help us work together to come up with the best cover design for your book. Before we get to that, let’s talk a little about a book’s cover.

Front Cover

The first impression.  The front cover is what people look at first.  It is our one and only time to give them a glimpse into what your book is all about.

The image (photo or graphic), is as important as the title since that is what will ‘speak’ to the reader before they even read your title.

Back Cover

Here is where the reader will learn what your book is about. It can contain any combination of the following:  the ‘blurb’, testimonials, author information.  The choice is up to you.

Use the forms below to help us better understand what you would like for the Front and Back Cover of your book.

Front Cover Vision

Do you have a vision for your books cover? When you were writing, or now that you’ve finished, and you stand back and look at all the work you’ve done; what do you imagine the book will look like?

Do you have an image (photo or other) that you’d like incorporated in the cover?

Show us three book covers you like that you might want yours to be modeled after?

Use the form below to give us an idea of what you would like your book cover to be.