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Who and What we are

After Dafna Michaelson Jenet finished her 50 in 52 Journey of travelling to all 50 states in the 52 weeks of one year we found ourselves asking the question “what next?”.  We had learned so much on the Journey from the roughly 500 people she met and with such a vast network of ordinary people doing extraordinary things we found ourselves wondering how we could best put that knowledge to use in helping others.

The Journey Institute is the answer to our question.

We wanted to continue the work we began on the Journey of elevating, empowering, and engaging people to live better lives; to become their best selves solving problems that affected them and those around them; to build community where people come together with various skills and passions to find solutions that benefits everyone around them.

We knew a lot of speakers and organizations exist who do consulting on both a personal and professional basis but we were frustrated by the ‘shtick’ approach that seems to permeate seminars, conferences, and retreats around the world.  Moreover the so called ‘training packages’ that were touted to corporations and among the consulting world seemed canned and used a ‘one size fits all ‘ approach.

People aren’t one sized, one sided, or fit into a pre-conceived mold.  A team is made up of individuals and it is that very individuality that we want to elevate, empower, and engage.

We are passionate about helping people.  We created workshops and tools that have immediate impact.  Tools that anyone can use today to begin creating change at whatever level you are, or want to be.  At the organizational level we will take you From Team to Community.  

Our work is fostered on the notion that only in community can you create culturally relevant and sustainable solutions.


As seen on…
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Judging a book by its cover

Contrary to what we are told growing up, everyone judges a book by its cover.
The form below is designed to help us work together to come up with the best cover design for your book. Before we get to that, let’s talk a little about a book’s cover.

Front Cover

The first impression.  The front cover is what people look at first.  It is our one and only time to give them a glimpse into what your book is all about.

The image (photo or graphic), is as important as the title since that is what will ‘speak’ to the reader before they even read your title.

Back Cover

Here is where the reader will learn what your book is about. It can contain any combination of the following:  the ‘blurb’, testimonials, author information.  The choice is up to you.

Use the forms below to help us better understand what you would like for the Front and Back Cover of your book.

Front Cover Vision

Do you have a vision for your books cover? When you were writing, or now that you’ve finished, and you stand back and look at all the work you’ve done; what do you imagine the book will look like?

Do you have an image (photo or other) that you’d like incorporated in the cover?

Show us three book covers you like that you might want yours to be modeled after?

Fill out the form below to give us an idea of what you would like your book cover to be.

Use the button below to upload any photos or graphics you would like us to incorporate into the cover.

Back Cover Information

The back cover of your book typically contains copy information, and optionally blurbs (testimonials) and author information.  The blurbs and author information can also be contained within the book.

Before we go further, click the link below to get some tips from Ingram Spark on how to write compelling back cover copy.

[tf_popup style=”red” link=”620″]Ingram Spark Cover Tips[/tf_popup]

Now let’s get started with what you would like on your books back cover.

Please upload a headshot via the button below that you would like used on your book covers.