Orbiting reflections
Forty Eight times I have circled the sun
in this great adventure called life,
A wonderful past year of surprises and fun
Surrounded by friends, my kids, and my wife.
I published my first book titled ASK
The words pouring out of insistence,
My wife published too, a monumental task
Her book It takes a little crazy to make a difference.
We went to Napa and had plenty of wine
With our very dear friends, lots of good food,
We went back to England, at Christmas time
To see my mum and tour the New Forrest too.
After a brief visit back to the Colorado sun
My oldest son headed off to Japan,
No gap year for him, no frolicking fun
A Marine no less, growing into a man.
We welcomed Lady Guinevere
Our new four-legged friend,
She is youngest and yet without fear
With boundless energy that knows no end.
I’m so grateful for this beautiful place
It feels like I’m living a heaven on Earth,
And cherished friends who bring smiles to my face
You all mean more than these words are worth.
I am thankful indeed for all that I have
And the experience of these past 48 years,
The ups and downs, the good and the bad
The joy, the laughter, and the tears.
But most of all I am humbled beyond measure
For my wife Dafna who completes me in every way,
You are my treasure in this great adventure
I love you more than mere words can say.
So let us start a new journey together
Another wacky wild ride round the sun,
Making memories that will last us forever
Watch out 49, here I come.
A Journey Institute Press Imprint
General Non-Fiction

After her husband was given a job for a year in Italy, Andrea and the rest of their family joined him on the adventure; and what an adventure it was. Often trying to do the simplest of things, her story captures the hilarity of an American in Italy trying to navigate a country that seems as foreign as should be familiar.
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