Inspired by Seth’s Your Turn book, Winnie issued a challenge to ship 7 blogs in 7 days.
Ok, i’m game.
I saw a post the other day which posed a question to solopreneurs that basically asked what do you do to keep moving forward when things aren’t going your way and you start thinking about getting a JOB?
Most of the responses were helpful but when one person questioned those who were commenting with perspectives like “I’m no longer employable” or “I could never go back to a job” etc, this person reminded them that all businesses start out small, grow, and then hire employees and not to disparage someone who has a job.
There was immediate backlash.
It got me to thinking.
Entrepreneurs, small business owners (solopreneurs), Authors like me, often times leave the traditional JOB environment to follow a passion or dream and once we experience life outside of the constraints of a traditional JOB we most certainly don’t want to go back.
That being said, the poster with his comment had a point. If our businesses grow the way we hope they will we will likely hire employees… who are basically going to a JOB, it just happens to be one that we created.
For me, I could see both sides of the discussion, but the issue at hand was based on a false premise that I often hear/see when the topic of chasing one’s dreams comes up. That false premise is basically this: If everyone chased their dreams there’d be no one to do the ‘real’ work that has to get done.
The reason this premise is false is because not everyone wants to run out and start their own business and even those who do, not all of THEM are ready to do so.
For many people, and even those of us who left our jobs, there is a cyclical, almost seasonal part of our lives we go through where we are working in careers and fields that interest us, but not to the point of starting our own business, or at least not yet.
So, yes, I agree that we should not disparage the idea or the people who have traditional JOB’s, but likewise we should acknowledge that for some people, they have arrived at the point where taking a traditional JOB, while perhaps providing more money and security, does not meet the needs they have grown into.